匂わせ|におわせ|nio wase


におわせ[nio wase]

意味・語源:Meaning / Origin




Meaning / Origin

“nio wase” means to imply that you want to be noticed without explicitly saying what you want to convey to others.

Mainly on the internet such as SNS and blogs, it indirectly implys the presence of a lover and the things he wants to brag about in the surroundings by expressing things in the photographs and expressions of sentences, and casually appealing.

・ 2019 JC・JK Buzzword award 5th place


JCJK・中高生 [highschool-students]
ギャル [gyaru]
大学生 [university students]
OL [female office worker]

使い方:How to use
A美のインスタに写ってる服ってB男のだよね。これ匂わせじゃない? [A(♀) no insuta ni ututteru huku tte B(♂) no dayone 。kore nio wase janai ?]



* Coined words (new words, buzzwords, etc.) are fashionable and obsolete. When using coined words, we recommend that you check if they are actually used around you before using them.

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