意味・語源:Meaning / Origin
( ̄▽ ̄)ノシ
Meaning / Origin
“ノシ” is a word used as a goodbye greeting on the Internet and SNS. It is used with the same nuances as “See you” and “See you again.”
The origin is an Internet forum. When leaving the forum, emoticons (below) were used to represent the gesture of waving one hand to the left or right, but later the face part was omitted, leaving only the “ノシ” of the hand part.
( ̄▽ ̄)ノシ
・2014 Gyaru Buzzword Award Top10
ギャル [gyaru]
ネット民 [netizen]
使い方:How to use
ネット掲示板「明日早いんでそろそろ落ちますわ。ではノシ。」[net forum: asita hayainde sorosoro otimasuwa 。deha nosi。]
* Coined words (new words, buzzwords, etc.) are fashionable and obsolete. When using coined words, we recommend that you check if they are actually used around you before using them.
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