にわか / にわかファン|niwaka / niwaka-fan


にわか / にわかふぁん[niwaka / niwaka fan]

意味・語源:Meaning / Origin





Meaning / Origin

“niwaka(niwaka-fan)” is a word made from “niwaka-ni” meaning “suddenly.”

This word means a person who has never shown any interest in people or things, but who professes to be a fan when the public’s attention and evaluation increase. It also means a person who temporarily acts like a fan by jumping on the bandwagon of the surrounding excitement.

Originally, “niwaka (niwaka-fan)” was a word that included a slight disdainful nuance, but at the 2019 Rugby World Cup Japan tournament, the rapidly increasing number of “niwaka fan” drove the tournament to great excitement. It has come to be captured in a good image.

・ Sanseido “New Word of the Year 2019” 2nd place


一般の人々 [ordinary people]

使い方:How to use
にわか大歓迎だよ!一緒に応援して盛り上げようぜ。[niwaka daikangei dayo ! issyo ni o-en site moriageyou ze 。]



* Coined words (new words, buzzwords, etc.) are fashionable and obsolete. When using coined words, we recommend that you check if they are actually used around you before using them.

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