サブスク|さぶすく|sabu suku


さぶすく[sabu suku]
*英字表記:subsc / subscription

意味・語源:Meaning / Origin




映画やドラマなどが見放題になるAmazonプライムビデオやNetflix(ネットフリックス)、音楽が聞き放題になるSpotify(スポティファイ)、LINE MUSICなどが有名。

・三省堂 今年の新語2019 5位

Meaning / Origin

“sabu suku (subsc)” is an abbreviation for English “subscription”.

A direct translation from English means “subscribe (for newspapers and magazines)”, but recently, it often refers to a “Membership flat-rate service (*)” regardless of industry.

* If you become a member and pay the prescribed fee, you can freely use the products and services for a certain period within the fixed range.

Amazon Prime video and Netflix (unlimited viewing of movies and dramas), Spotify and LINE MUSIC (unlimited listening to music),  are famous.

・2019 New Language 5th place by Sanseido


一般の人々 [ordinary people]

使い方:How to use
あ〜ビデオ返却するの忘れてた〜。。[a~ video henkyaku suru no wasureteta。。]
お前まだレンタルしてるの?そろそろサブスクに切り替えろよ。[omae mada rental siteru no ? sorosoro sabusuku ni kirikaero yo。]



* Coined words (new words, buzzwords, etc.) are fashionable and obsolete. When using coined words, we recommend that you check if they are actually used around you before using them.

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