


意味・語源:Meaning / Origin



・ネット流行語大賞2012 4位

Meaning / Origin

“Namapo” is a word that means “welfare” or “welfare recipient”.  「生活保護」is originally read as “Seikatu Hogo”, but “生” is read as “nama” and “保” is read as “po”. This is often used as a derogatory term.

It was a word used quietly on Internet forum. But, it was also used on open SNS such as Twitter, after an unfair receipt of welfare by a family of an entertainer was reported in 2012.

・ Internet Buzzword Award 2012 4th place


ネット民 [netizen]
一般の人々 [ordinary people] *ごく一部

使い方:How to use
Twitter「十分稼いでるのにナマポもらうのはダメだろ。不正受給は犯罪だぞ。」[jyuubun kaseideru no ni namapo morauno ha dame daro 。husei jyukyuu ha hanzai dazo 。]



* Coined words (new words, buzzwords, etc.) are fashionable and obsolete. When using coined words, we recommend that you check if they are actually used around you before using them.

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