


意味・語源:Meaning / Origin




Meaning / Origin

“○○shi” is an ending expression that began to be used by young people around 2010. It was popular among young people such as gyarus to change the ending of adjectives to “shi”, such as “Yabai” → “Yabashi”, “Umai” → “Umashi”.

It should be noted that the fashion of expressions that change the ending often occurs among young people, and around 2017, “○○mi (Yabami / Tsurami)” “○○mizawa (Yabamizawa / Tsuramizawa) ) ” has become widely used.

・ 2010 Gyaru Buzzword Award 6th


ギャル [gyaru]
一般の人々 [ordinary people] *若い世代

使い方:How to use
Twitter「今日は品川でラーメン。背脂うまし!」[kyou ha sinagawa de ra-men 。seabura umasi ! ]



* Coined words (new words, buzzwords, etc.) are fashionable and obsolete. When using coined words, we recommend that you check if they are actually used around you before using them.

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