


意味・語源:Meaning / Origin





Meaning / Origin

“Oke” is a young people’s slang that means “OK”. “okke-” is omitted. When sending a message with a talk application such as LINE, “oke” has less time to type letters than “Okke-” and can reply quickly, so it has been mainly used by young people such as gyarus.

“おk” is a net slang that also means “OK”.  If you type “OK” with the keyboard input in Japanese, a conversion error will occur, such as “おk / オk”, but the combination of hiragana and alphabet makes it look interesting, so it is used as it is. 

Nowadays, it is used not only as a writing character on SNS and online, but also in actual conversation.

・ 2014 Gyaru Buzzword Award Top 10


JCJK・中高生 [highschool-students]
ギャル [gyaru]
大学生 [university students]
ネット民 [netizen]
一般の人々 [ordinary people] 

使い方:How to use
今日の段取り、こんな感じでおけ? [kyou no dandori , konna kanji de oke ?]
LINE「待ち合わせ、モヤイ前でおk?」[matiawase , moyai mae de oke ? ]



* Coined words (new words, buzzwords, etc.) are fashionable and obsolete. When using coined words, we recommend that you check if they are actually used around you before using them.

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