


意味・語源:Meaning / Origin




Meaning / Origin

The origin is the emoticon “(ノω≦。)ピエーン” that expresses a cute crying state. This is used when you want to express cutely a situation in which a little tear, such as a little sad or happy crying, may occur.

Mainly used by high school girls and girls, it is mainly used for posting on SNS such as Instagram.

・ 2019 JCJK buzzword award first place
・ 2019 Gyaru Buzzword Grand Prize 2nd
・ 2019 Instagram uzzword Grand Prize 3nd


JCJK・中高生 [highschool-students]
ギャル [gyaru]

使い方:How to use


How to use
Generally attached at the end of sentences. It is a pretty phrase that can be taken as a little kid, so be careful when using it in actual conversation. In some cases, it may be stretched and used as “pie-n”.
なかなか痩せない…ぴえん。[nakanaka ya se nai … pi en 。]



* Coined words (new words, buzzwords, etc.) are fashionable and obsolete. When using coined words, we recommend that you check if they are actually used around you before using them.

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