オフショル|おふしょる|off shoulder


おふしょる [ohu syoru] *英字表記:off shoulder

意味・語源:Meaning / Origin

『オフショル』とは、英語の「オフショルダー(off shoulder)」を省略したもの。


類語として、片方の肩だけを露出するデザイン「ワンショル(one shoulder)」がある。


・三省堂 今年の新語2017 8位

Meaning / Origin

“ohu syoru” is an abbreviation for “off shoulder” in English.

“Off-shoulder” is a fashion term that is commonly used in English-speaking countries, and refers to clothing with a design in which the neckline is widened so that both shoulders are exposed.

A synonym is “wan syoru(=one shoulder)”, which is a design that exposes only one shoulder.

Since around 2016, off-shoulder clothes have become popular among young women, and words have become widely used.

・ 2017 New Language 8th place by Sanseido


一般の人々 [ordinary people]
大学生 [university students]
OL [female office worker]
業界人 [people in the industry] *ファッション業界

使い方:How to use
今年の夏はオフショルにチャレンジしてみようかな〜。[kotosi no natu ha ohusyoru ni challenge site miyou kana~ 。]
いいね〜。ワンショルも流行ってるみたいだよ![iine! wansyoru mo hayatteru mitai dayo ! ]



* Coined words (new words, buzzwords, etc.) are fashionable and obsolete. When using coined words, we recommend that you check if they are actually used around you before using them.

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