意味・語源:Meaning / Origin
Meaning / Origin
“Oko” is a youth slang that expresses anger and emotions. This is an abbreviation for “Okoru(=get angry)”.
It is used like “Oko dayo! (I’m angry!)” and “Oko desu (I’m angry)”. Not so serious anger, but a slight joke nuance.
It was started to be used mainly by young women such as gyarus around 2011. After that, words such as “maji oko”, “geki oko”, and “gekioko punpun maru” were derived from “oko”.
・ 2011 Gyaru Buzzword Award 6th
ギャル [gyaru]
JCJK・中高生 [highschool-students]
使い方:How to use
いつもごめん〜!10分遅刻しそう ( ;∀;) [itumo gomen~! 10pun tikoku sisou ( ;∀;)]
もう〜おこだぞ o(`ω´ )o おっけー気をつけてきてねー。[mou~ oko dazo o(`ω´ )o okke- ki wo tukete kite ne-。 ]
* Coined words (new words, buzzwords, etc.) are fashionable and obsolete. When using coined words, we recommend that you check if they are actually used around you before using them.
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