アゲぽよ・サゲぽよ|あげぽよ・さげぽよ|agepoyo sagepoyo
あげぽよ さげぽよ[agepoyo sagepoyo]
意味・語源:Meaning / Origin
“Agepoyo / Sagepoyo” is a youth slang that means you are feeling up or down.
Originally around 2008, there was the word “age sage” that was used among gyarus, and the word “poyo” was added to the end of the word.
The word “poyo” is only attached because the sound of the words becomes cute, and the word itself have no meaning.
・ 2010 Gyaru Buzzword Grand Prize
・ 2010 High School Girls Mobile Phone Buzzword Award Silver Award
ギャル [gyaru]
JCJK・中高生 [highschool-students]
使い方:How to use
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