


意味・語源:Meaning / Origin



・ネット流行語2012 6位

Meaning / Origin

“Gori osi” is a word that means pushing things through (even if it doesn’t make sense). It refers to the act of pushing things through without the consent of the people around them, or pushing them forward without thinking deeply about their strategies.

The origin of “Gori” is the fish named “Gori”. It is said that the expression “Gori osi” was born because the method of catching fish was brute force.

・ Internet buzzword 2012 6th place


一般の人々 [ordinary people]

使い方:How to use
あの女優、最近すげー見るよな。ゴリ押しされすぎじゃね? [ano jyoyuu, saikin suge- miru yona 。goriosi sare sugi jane ? ]
いや、その企画無理だろ。ゴリ押ししても通らないよ。[iya, sono kikaku muri daro 。goriosi sitemo tooranai yo 。]



* Coined words (new words, buzzwords, etc.) are fashionable and obsolete. When using coined words, we recommend that you check if they are actually used around you before using them.

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