Bluebird Day|ブルーバードデイ


ブルーバードデイ[ˈbluˌbɜrd deɪ

意味・語源:Meaning / Origin

『Bluebird Day』とは、雲ひとつないよく晴れた日をさす言葉。主に雪が降った夜の翌日の快晴をさし、スキーやスノボなどウインタースポーツにおいてよく使われる。



Meaning / Origin

“Bluebird Day” is a word that means a sunny day without clouds. Mainly used for skiing, snowboarding, and other winter sports, as it refers to the fine weather the day after a snowy night.

Nowadays, it is also used to mean a day suitable for taking Instagram photos.

* “Blue bird” is used as a “symbol of good luck”.


English Speaker

使い方:How to use
Sweet! It cleared up. It’s a bluebird day!  Let’s take a grouphie. [やった〜晴れた!これはインスタ映えするよ〜。みんなでセルフィ撮ろうよ。]



* Coined words (new words, buzzwords, etc.) are fashionable and obsolete. When using coined words, we recommend that you check if they are actually used around you before using them.

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