


意味・語源:Meaning / Origin




“You are not special. You’re not a beautiful and unique snowflake. You’re the same decaying organic matter as everything else.

Meaning / Origin

“Snowflake” is an English slang that refers to “a person who think of him/herself as a special person, but he/she is not.”

Since no single snowflake has the same shape, it was a word that means “a unique person with a human identity and special talent”, but it was used in the movie “Fight Club”. Since then, it has been used in a negative sense.

“Fight Club” movie quotes:

“You are not special. You’re not a beautiful and unique snowflake. You’re the same decaying organic matter as everything else.


English Speaker

使い方:How to use
Don’t take it too seriously. There are so many snowflakes on TV talk show. [あんま真に受けるなって。ワイドショーに出てる奴なんてほとんど大したことないのばっかだよ。]



* Coined words (new words, buzzwords, etc.) are fashionable and obsolete. When using coined words, we recommend that you check if they are actually used around you before using them.

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